FOR LARGE QUANTITY PURCHASES CONTACT US AT 801-309-5757 OR support@redfordspowerup.com
Bio-Matrix is a non-toxic, all natural, 100% organic, lab-tested, field proven, industrial absorbent that is economical, efficient, non-abrasive, non-toxic, non-leaching and in its natural state is already biodegraded. The inherent capillary action of the activated peat provides a powerful wicking action and encapsulates oils, solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and all other organic chemicals on contact. Bio-Matrix suppresses vapors and absorbs hydro carbons on land or water, in dry or wet conditions, and does not require specially trained technicians or high tech equipment for handling or disposing of the spent peat. Bio-Matrix weighs little and affords users the ability to carry more, clean up more, and save on transportation and disposal costs. Bio-Matrix that is used will not leech or discharge used pollutants, making it clean and easy to handle. Bio-Matrix that is used can be incinerated or disposed of in land fills or land farmed with no detrimental effects to the environment. Bio-Matrix is the ideal host for use in the microbial degradation/bio-remediation of contaminated land. It also contains HAC, a natural organic catalyst that accelerates the process of microbial degradation bringing the soil back to its original condition in a fraction of the usual time frame. Bio-Matrix is available in a convenient 2.2 cubit foot double compressed bags that weighs 30 pounds per bag. Each bag is capable of absorbing up to 30 gallons of SAE 30 weight oil. (See brochure below for absorption rates and quantities for other products) It is also available by the 50 bag pallet capable of absorbing 1,500 gallons of 30 weight oil. Large quantities come in 55 cubic foot double compressed bags by special order. Contact us directly to discuss large order availability and pricing.